Swoop Blog

Privacy Safe Custom Audience Segments for Cross Channel DTC and HCP Marketing that Drives Higher Conversion and Rx Lift

Posts about

Healthcare Marketing (4)

MM&M’s Healthcare Marketers Trend Report 2022

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop/IPM.ai

The medical marketing landscape has undergone...

Ron Elwell Wins MM+M’s Pinnacle Award

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

Ron Elwell, CEO and founder of Swoop is a proud recipient...

Android Announcement Compels Health Marketers to Use RWD

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

Google announced a plan to end cross-app tracking on...

Google’s Latest Cookie-Less Solution Falls Short for Health Marketers

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

Here we go again. Google has changed direction on how it...

Apple’s iOS Update Compels Health Marketers to Adopt Digital Audiences

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

In April 2021, Apple began requiring an opt-in for...

Is There Life for Health Marketers After Facebook?

By: Ron Elwell, President, Swoop/IPM.ai 

Health marketers who utilize Facebook's audience segments...

Six Digital Marketing Resolutions to Consider in 2022

By: Erin Ruggiero, Chief Digital Officer, Swoop

This past year was defined by digital, with...

Best Practices for Patient Audience Targeting and Measurement

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

Using AI to Target Your True HCP Influencers

By: Sim Simeonov, Chief Technology Officer, Swoop

Sim Simeonov on the Role of AI in Precision Healthcare Marketing

By: Emilie Branch, Content Manager, Swoop

Artificial intelligence has become a buzzword in...